Monday, March 30, 2009

They're Dropping Like Flies

First Phae, now BRK. If Matticus or BBB proclaim today that they're quitting blogging, I'm going to cry foul and say this is some elaborate April Fool's hoax.

If it's true, the strongest voices of both druids and hunters in the community have fallen silent within a month of each other.

Playing WoW at a high level and blogging about it while simultaneously juggling a personal life (in real life as opposed to Azeroth) and holding down a full-time job is not without complications. I respect and admire both Phae and BRK for doing both seemingly so well for so long.

I dare say that the loss of his voice in the WoW blogging community is even more impactful than Phaelia closing down Resto4Life. No offense to Phae, but BRK had a larger readership and wider platform, catering to all hunters as opposed to mostly just one spec, and doing so across several mediums - his site, Project Lore, WoW Insider, and YouTube.

Here's hoping that BRK finds a new level of happiness in his renewed private life. The WoW blogging community got noticeably quieter today.

/target BigRedKitty

May the Light be with you, Mr. Howell.


TheBigBearButt said...

I'm not going anywhere... at least, I don't think so.

Cannae quite wrap my mind about the BRK thingie yet, myself.

Rohan said...

BRK had a larger readership and wider platform, catering to all hunters as opposed to mostly just one spec, and doing so across several mediums - his site, Project Lore, WoW Insider, and YouTube.

You have to wonder if this ended up contributing to his situation. He was doing *a lot* of stuff at the end.

Shwitz44 said...

You never know what RL can sling at you.

I thought the same thing. I don't presume to know anything about BRK's personal life, though.

chronic said...

Tip of the day:

"/salute x" is shorthand for "/target x, /salute"

The more you know!

Dradis said...

BRK will be missed.... I read his blog and I didn't even have an active hunter.

I totally understand what he is going through though. RL is RL. WoW is just a game... albeit a really good one!

P3 said...

Farewell BRK. Like Dradis said, I dont even have an active hunter and I still read his blog. :)


Shwitz44 said...

Didn't know that, thanks for the tip!

@Dradis & Pauleh
I think that everyone who was obsessed with WoW enough to read WoW-related blogs has read BRK. His blog was far-reaching and broad, and even if you didn't play a hunter, it was funny enough to be worth a read.

uke said...

BRK trancended just hunters, though. Even if you never leveled a hunter beyond level 20, he was just plain fun to read. I loved his military stories and 'BRK vs brain' episodes.