Friday, May 9, 2008

You have been weighed...

Why is it that whenever "A Knight's Tale" is on, I can't not watch?

Jeez, I'm such a Paladin.


BFCarl said...

Oh my! I love that movie! I'm always sad because whenever I watch it its already like 10 minutes into the movie. :(

Maybe I'll go rent it.

Sara said...

Such a good movie, that and "The Princess Bride"

Shwitz44 said...

The worst part of watching that movie last night was that it came on late, and TNT ran so many commercials during the movie that its time slot was 2.5 hours and it kept me up past when I planned on hitting the sack. So I got to bed late, overslept and had to make a mad dash for the train station to make my train to work. GAH! The things I do for entertainment...

Sara said...

Tivo my good friend, Tivo!

Shwitz44 said...

See, if I DVR'ed it, I wouldn't watch it. It was more an "it's on right now... sure I'll watch!" sorta thing. I don't understand the impulse, but its pervasive. I don't watch stuff I've got on DVD, but if I flip past it on TV, I'll stop and watch.

I don't get it.