Thursday, September 4, 2008

Alltop - The Online Blogazine Rack

Honorshammer's latest blog post reminded me - E4AE has been included in a new online blog initiative: Alltop, the online blogazine rack.

No, they don't use the word blogazine. That's my own doing. Thank me later.

It's basically a site that catalogues major blogs, their latest posts, and allows readers who don't use a feedreader to see all the "popular" blogs in one place. Cool idea. I don't plan on using it, since I use a feedreader for my daily dose of blog, but I might wander over there to see what else they feature and poke my head over to some new blogs.

Alltop's rep asked me to plug them for linking me, and I'm a sheep, so I complied.

Let me know what you think of it!

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