Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Learning to Death Knight

The Stoppable Force, whom Matticus has plugged several times but I never bothered to read until now, has a great guide for the beginner Death Knight, found here. As someone who was eagerly anticipating the release of 3.0.8 so that I could roll a DK anywhere I wanted (bwahahaha, I'm going to roll an Orc Death Knight on Eredar and pester Lore - we'll see if this guy lasts longer than my hunter or druid alt attempts), this guide is very helpful. My first DK has been languishing at or near level 55 - I truly did feel like I was just mashing buttons, I didn't understand the interaction between DK abilities. Stop's guide lays everything out all orderly-like and breaks down the differences in skill rotation of each specialty.

Now I just need to think of a good name for an Orcish Death Knight...


Anonymous said...

Go with 'Lady" and give it a bright colored pony tail and blue skin. And have a dress made for you to walk around in :-)

Anonymous said...

Last night I created my second DK (first is still only 64) on a friend's realm an Orc DK named Gosh inspired by my real name, Josh. And since I notice we share the same name, perhaps that will serve a little inspiration, haha. :)

Paul said...

You should be original and make it some variation of Sith, Darth Vader or Nazghoul!

Shwitz44 said...

Hardy har, Ulu :-P
I ended up naming him Maegor, after Maegor the Cruel from the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series. I'm unoriginal, but Maegor looks sufficiently orcish, especially if you spell it Mae'gor.

Ragar said...

Maegor sounds pretty Orcish. Could be worse - I saw a death knight running around that just added the letters "dk" to their first name. I'm not gonna be the one to call people on my server for non-RP names, but when you're down to that, why not use the Random button?

Couldn't think of a good Tauren name for my DK, so I went the book route like you did and named him Mordigg. If nothing else, it gave me the chance to use my Call of Cthulhu RPG book; for some reason, nobody wanted to play the game where you had a 90% chance of dying the first night.

Paul said...

I can't really argue too much, my DK, Graysun is named after a far less obscure pop culture icon.

I was more taking a hit at the number of unoriginal deathknights I see on my server.